Nicola Wright Nicola Wright

What are complementary therapies?

Complementary Therapies - An investment or a treat?

Should I treat myself to a holistic/complementary therapy?

Is a question that I am asked by many clients, in order to provide an accurate answer I decided to research the question:

If you google search “why can complementary therapies help?” amongst the results, popular matches relate to:

·         Cancer research

·         Macmillan

·         Mind

·         Parkinsons uk

·         Epilepsy society

·         Arthritis uk

·         Osteoporosis society

·         Womens health


As you can see, using complementary therapies is not just a way of treating yourself as a luxury, but a way of maintaining your health and mental state.

What does complementary therapy mean?

Complementary means it can be used alongside your conventional medical treatment. They may help you to feel better and more able to cope with any ongoing illness or problem you may be going through. (For certain medical conditions it is important to speak with your doctor before undertaking a complementary therapy)

 In a nutshell, Complementary therapies can benefit anybody and everybody!

 You don’t have to have a serious illness to warrant having a treatment. You may simply feel the stresses of everyday life in this frantic 21st century whirlwind that we live in. Busy juggling family life with work, worrying about money issues, the recession, keeping up with your neighbours by having the best cars, computers or designer clothes!

Receiving a complementary therapy allows you to have time to yourself and simply take a break!

People talk about diets, healthy eating, exercise which are all important factors in helping our bodies stay healthy. Complementary therapies can also help our bodies stay healthy working alongside these important factors. They can help us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

 It just takes time to find an outlet in your life that can help you to cope in a more balanced and mindful way.

I personally have experienced this and know first-hand the benefits of holistic treatments; in fact I believe in them so much I have dedicated my life in providing the same treatment I received to others. They helped change my life and now you can help change yours, why not give it a try?

 You have nothing to lose and may gain so much more.

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Nicola Wright Nicola Wright


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a universal, modern way to enhance life. Its practice can make us calmer and more centred, and improve our physical wellbeing.

In simplicity, mindfulness means to pay attention in a particular way, on purpose, non judgementally and in the present moment.

Sounds easy right? But with modern day society’s obsession with busyness our minds are constantly overloaded with what we need to do, where we need to go, how we need to look and then to top all that we have pandemics, possible world wars and cost of living crisis’s to completely ruin our balance and equanimity.

I have been incorporating mindfulness into my life for the past few years. I have taken philosophies from the Buddhist Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh and Jon Kabbat- Zinn the pioneer of Western mindfulness.

Learning mindfulness begins with practicing breathing, body scan, walking and movement exercises. The more I have practiced mindfulness the more it has become a way of life. I have learnt to observe my thoughts without becoming attached to them and falling down the rabbit hole of negative catastrophizing ending up in floods of tears wondering why life is so cruel?!? I am not promising that these reactions wont happen again but since practicing mindfulness I am far more aware of how many mind works and what triggers me to overreact.

Mindfulness helps us to befriend and show compassion towards ourselves and to others.

Western science and psychology have adopted mindfulness because research has found strong evidence that it significantly enhances well-being. Mindfulness has been found to successfully relieve anxiety disorders, depression and stress. There is evidence, too, suggesting that mindfulness can be helpful for some people with physical health concerns, such as chronic pain.

Mindfulness is exercising and training the mind - like going to the mind-gym! If we only went to gym once a month and did 20 sit ups this would not get us a six pack! The same with mindful practice - the more time you take to practice the stronger the mind will be to hep navigate life in a calmer and happier way.

A favourite quote of mine is by Jon Kabbat-zin;

“You cant stop the waves but you can learn how to surf”


Six week Mindfulness for Beginners Courses will begin in September.

Contact me for further information and to book your place.

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Nicola Wright Nicola Wright


The Wright Touch Therapies is so excited to finally share this website so you are able to see what I have on offer. I am so passionate about complementary therapies and have spent the last 10 years studying, learning and putting into practice all I have learnt to help myself. I have a wonderful client base and I am ready to welcome new clients and start new ventures.

Stress is a huge factor in todays society causing 90% of physical, mental and emotional dis-ease. We are living in a society that doesn’t know when and how to rest, to listen to their needs and to slow down before burn out happens.

The Wright Touch Therapies cares about you, cares about the community and the world and I hope that I am able to shine some light with offering healing therapies that will make your life a healthier and happier one.

Thank you for taking a look and hope to see you on the massage table or on a mindful walk soon!


Nicola x

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